Thursday, October 17, 2013

Tony Perkins says liberals want a religion based government

Article PhotoTony Perkins, President of the Family Research Council, says it is liberals that want to establish a religion based government. That’s right. The leader of the right-wing self-righteous wants you, and his congregation, to believe that those who don’t believe in God, or do so in moderation, want a government based on scripture. How else could he keep his righteous indignation? Perkins appeared on the Janet Mefferd Show on Tuesday. A Christian radio broadcast. Where they discussed an article published by the Religion News Service titled, “Government shutdown may drive more young Christians from GOP,”.
“What is that saying? Is that saying then that the government has a responsibility to care for the poor?” Perkins asked. “That’s not what the Scripture says.”
Tony Perkins said the Bible makes clear that Christians were expected to care for the needy, but not the government. Liberals, Mr. Perkins, believe all life is precious and deserves to be protected and treated with dignity. Religion has nothing to do with it.

Tony Perkins says, “As Christians, we’re responsible for the policies of this government because it’s us.”

it just gets weirder and weirder they and the evangelical moral minority do what he is accusing us of. where does he get off saying w don't believe in God and we want a religious govt don't they call that an oxymoron, i said it before the hate rots the brain to the point of confused delusion. they don't know why but they say it anyway, the craziest stuff comes from their religious leaders we all know that but still in the 11th hour he wants to say "hold up it's not us it's them"
Pretzel logic at its most transparent. Tony Perkins. Who does this guy think he’s fooling? Maybe his lemming-like followers will buy into whatever he has to say, but no one thinking for themselves could believe such a farcical proposition.
Remember, Tony Perkins is the same guy that said there was, “nothing more Christian” than cutting millions off of food stamp assistance. He, and others, use a piece of scripture completely out of context as justification to say, if you don’t work, you don’t eat.
Here, he refutes his own point. Government has no role in helping poor. Only Christians have this responsibility. BUT, “As Christians we’re responsible for the policies of this government because it’s us.
” While attempting to spin you he spun himself. So which is it Tony? Christians help the poor and the government stays out of it? Or, the government helps the poor and Christians stay out of government?
unfreakinbelievable, these guys will all go in the Guinness book of records craziest crap ever said by anyone on earth ever, yes i'm going on a limb and standing by that, if yo know someone more deluded them them i'll rebut myself in Macy's window on Easter day butt naked, ok a towel don't want to hurt anybodies eyes. +o)