Monday, April 15, 2013

Obama's income fell in election year, paid 18.4 percent tax rate
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this morning on morning joe scarborough rants about Pres. paying 18.4% in taxes and calls it hypocrisy well the blowhard needs to realize it's his party that kept those rates low fpor the rich the Pres. fought all the time to raise taxes on his self as well.
you can't blame him if the congress refused to raise taxes, that rant was unfounded and completely devoid of all the facts.  he also left out Pres. refused part of his salary on top of charitable contributiions.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama paid an effective federal tax rate of 18.4 percent in 2012 and saw income from his best-selling books drop as he ran for re-election, according to his tax returns released by the White House on Friday.
Obama and his wife Michelle had adjusted gross income of $608,611 last year, down from $789,674 in 2011, and paid $112,214 in total taxes, compared to $162,074 in 2011.
Their total income came in at $662,076 - down almost 22 percent from $844,585 the previous year.
As president, Obama is entitled to a $400,000 annual salary. He reported salary income in 2011 and 2012 of $394,800, however, after deducting pre-tax amounts he paid for his health insurance premium, according to a White House official.
The Obamas' outside business income fell sharply as the president's book sales declined. In 2012, the couple had business income of $258,772, down from $441,369 in 2011.
Book sales have declined dramatically since the early days of his presidency. In 2009, his business income from book sales came in around $5.2 million.
 The Obamas reported giving $150,034 to charities, representing roughly 25 percent of their adjusted gross income. The largest gift was $103,871 to the Fisher House Foundation, an organization that provides housing for military families near military hospitals.
Michelle Obama has made supporting the military one of her top public causes as first lady.
The couple also gave $1,000 to the Palm Beach County Law Enforcement Foundation. One of its police officers was killed in September 2012 while working in the presidential motorcade.
what is all this, nobody made a fuss when Chetney got bloated from the wars and Haiburton, or Bush making money on oil with the Bin Laden family.