Thursday, October 17, 2013

How Republicans Came To Own Sequestration's Devastating Cuts As A Victory

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It may seem like ancient history, but sequestration was originally designed to be so unpalatable to both parties that the threat of its automatic budget cuts to both defense and non-defense programs alike would be enough to force lawmakers to come to a grand bargain budget agreement. As it first went into effect in March, Republicans tried to pin the blame for any negative consequences on President Obama. But they gradually came out in favor of sequestration’s devastating cuts and have now made it the baseline in the fight over funding the government.
Here’s how we got from “Obama’s sequester” to a Republican victory:
February 8: Boehner Dubs It #Obamaquester As the automatic cuts look likely to take effect, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) decides to brand sequestration the #Obamaquester on Twitter.
February 13: Sequestration Will Be A “Home Run” At a Politico event, Rep. Mike Pompeo says sequestration will be a “home run” for reducing spending.
February 17: Blame For Impact Lies With Obama While trying to downplay the impact of the cuts, Republicans also geared up to blame President Obama for the negative consequences. Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY) said on CNN, “I believe the president has a lot of authority that he can decide how this works, and, yeah, he can make it very uncomfortable, which I think would be a mistake on the part of the president, but when you take a look at the total dollars there are better ways to do this, but the cuts are going to occur.”
February 22: Sequestration “Must Be Done” Speaking to a reporter, Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) argues in favor of letting the cuts go into effect. Pointing out that the state of Georgia reduced its budget by 30 percent, he said, “Are you telling me we can’t cut 2.4 percent out of the federal budget?” He added, “It absolutely can be done, it must be done in order to get us on a path to get this economy rolling again.”
there they go again lying to the people understand the overwhelming majority of things the blame Pres. for are the very things they did or are doing they are still playing that "i know you are but what an i" game and they sat we are not serious.
While Republicans have decided to own sequestration’s cuts, the devastation continues to take a toll around the country. More than 57,000 low-income preschoolers lost their slots in Head Start.
The home-bound elderly are getting fewer visits from Meals on Wheels. More than 650,000 employees at the Department of Defense have been furloughed. Cancer patients have been denied chemotherapy. Low-income families are being denied housing vouchers and the homeless are getting less support. Domestic violence victims are being turned away from support programs.
Unemployment checks for the long-term unemployed have been reduced. Schools on or near military bases and Native American reservations have had to lay off staff and close schools. Other public schools have increased class sizes and fired staff. Scientists have had to fire people and shutter projects.
they hurt us again how long does the bully get to antagonize, before we fight back, this is tantamount to seat belt laws you have to force people to protect themselves, why are we so complacent that we only get a upset when it hits home, well if it hasn't and we don't stop it it will knock on your door an unlike opportunity it will continue knocking until the door is splintered and they get access to your life again.