Sunday, September 14, 2014

Senator: ‘We All Get Killed Back Here At Home’ If Obama Doesn’t Send Combat Troops Back Into Iraq

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) blasted President Barack Obama’s plan to defeat ISIS during an appearance on Fox News Sunday, calling the commander-in-chief “disingenuous and delusional” and warning that Americans will be “killed here at home” unless he sends ground troops into Iraq and Syria to defeat the terrorist threat.
Comparing the estimated 30,000 ISIS fighters to the Nazis, Graham warned that “this idea we’ll never had any boots to defeat them in Syria is fantasy.” He argued that given the growth of the “radical Islamic army” and its control of territory in northern Iraq and Syria, “it’s going to take an army to beat a army.” “This is ISIL versus mankind,” he said, using another acronym for the group.
“To destroy ISIL, you have to kill or capture their leaders, take back their territory, cut off the finances and destroy the capability to regenerate. This is a war we’re fights not a counter terrorism operation,” Graham continued. “This president needs to rise to the occasion before we all get killed back here at home.” The Unites States has approximately 1,600 soldiers in Iraq advising and assisting Iraqi Security Forces, conducting intelligence operations and surveillance and reconnaissance flights.

I watched this pompous azz this morning going all ape crap, if their is any disingenuousness it's coming from his mouth.  first with the Nazi reference, then the misleading remark about "no boots on the ground", Pres. said that was a definite just not American boots and the replacement host let it stand.  then a little scare tactic "it's ISIL VS. MANKIND", then he accuses Pres. of not doing exactly what he has been doing all the long, now we just passed disingenuous and entered lying azz republican territory, Pres. has risen and is doing his job, they are not they are still at war with him.

this is why they don't need to know anything because they will spin and twist it into a big negative that their base and fence walkers will digest and run off half cocked thinking they are now up to date on the Pres,'s foreign strategy, when in actuality they are only half cocked and that is misinformation.

do they still have your vote???  republican saber wavers are the fear mongers of this country not terrorist.
  you can always tell it's an election year when the republicans break out the bogeymen and go "BOO", and we tremble with fear  how many times are we going to fall for that one?  if it were so bad why haven't they okay'd the Pres. plan to counter them instead of finding as much made up fault as they can you know like Benghazi?