Thursday, October 17, 2013

What You Can Get For The Price Of A Shutdown

Article PhotoThe shutdown may have ended when President Obama signed a deal late on Wednesday, but some of the consequences will stay with us. Standard & Poor’s has estimated that the shutdown cost the economy $24 billion.
That’s not a small amount of money. How does that stack up against other big expenditures? Here’s just a sampling of what else costs that much:
just a few things that are less important then denying Americans health care to republicans.  it's amazing the arrogant stance and claims of helping Americans and the middle class, helping them out of the American citizenship disenfranchising our vote and voting and denying the dream, 
they treat us like they have and will continue to treat immigrants. will we have to go to the back of the line and wait 13 more years to be treated as though we are what we are Americans.
The topline figure may not take many other costs into account, such as loans that didn’t go out from the Small Business Administration, permits that got held up, and the loss of billions in tax revenue. Plus the government could still get a downgrade on its credit, which could ding business and consumer confidence and bring about more costs.
for the party that has railed against spending that they signed off on being they hold the purse strings they sure spend a lot of money, witch hunts, DOA votes to appeal ACA which by definition means to eradicate it completely which they now deny they ever said. lies beget lies in order to keep up the original misleading as time goes the expand and include until it's one big pile of hot steaming elephant dung makes it hard for them to see the first lie and causes them to lie about the lie because they forgot so many lies so little time.
give rise to; bring about.
"success begets further success"
cause, give rise to, lead to, result in, bring about, createproduce,generateengenderspawnoccasion, bring on, precipitateprompt,provokekindletrigger, spark off, touch off, stir up, whip up, induce,inspirepromote; More
sound  characteristically familiar to any group you know?