Friday, October 18, 2013

Yes, The South Really Is Different -- And It's Because Of Race

Article PhotoThe debt ceiling crisis may be over (at least until February), but the crisis created by the Republican Party’s sharp reactionary turn emphatically is not. I’ve argued that the Tea Party, is the legacy of structural racism in the South dating back to the 1930s, and will remain a powerful force in the Republican Party absent tectonic shocks to the political landscape on the level of the civil rights movement.
This analysis can and should be pushed further. The South is best understood as an exceptional region inside the United States, with a unique political and cultural milieu birthed by the intersection of slavery and deep religiosity. Southern influence on the rest of the United States has been immense, but the South nonetheless has always been different, marked by the racial caste system that defined its existence until the Civil War. It remains different today.

Race And Religion

The buried story of Wednesday’s government-opening vote in the House was a split between Republican Southerners — and everyone else. Southern Republican whites voted overwhelmingly against the deal — 73 against, 18 in favor. Other Republicans were evenly split (69 in favor, 71 against) and Democrats, of course, unanimously supported the deal. Roughly the same thing happened the last time House Republicans almost took the United States off the default cliff
we can say and write as much as we can but we are hard pressed to rid ourselves of the ideology that is a black-eye to America, they still do their dirt and laugh about their wins over cigars an alcohol, it is no longer a way of life IMO it is willful imposing of one on another simply because they can.
we can turn this our DOJ is maybe dragging their feet another election looms and they have yet to prosecute those who oppose. quoting Rev. Al, "lot's of things were acceptable, until we stopped accepting them".
Pres. said "we are the ones we've been waiting for", we elect or don't elect people and entrust them with everything from potholes to war most disappoint, others disappoint even more others are bigoted racist not to confuse the two, all racist are bigots but all bigots are not racist, 
then there are T-Per's radical seems to tame radicals don't shut down gov't and displace 800,000 people or take food stamps out of the mouths of babies, then try to blame Pres. "if he hadn't said he wouldn't sit down and negotiate with us" they have said nothing but no since they stupidly said on TV after 2008 election they would not help him look good.
5 years later he looks damn good they look like egg all over their faces
 The overwhelming Tea Party conservatism in the Southern delegation reflects the region’s exceptionally conservative bent. In a brand-new American Politics Research article, Columbia University’s Steven White ran a series of regressions analyses aimed at separating out the effect of region and religion on Southern political views.
White found “very substantial support” for the idea that Southern whites were across-the-board more conservative than whites in the rest of the country. Moreover, whites in the Deep South (Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina) were more reactionary than their also super-conservative peers in the Peripheral South (Arkansas, Florida, North Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia).
Southern political uniqueness appeared to be partly religious — but only partly.Roughly half of America’s evangelicals live in the South, a pattern dating back to the early 1800s. Though early Southerners were largely Anglican, evangelical missionaries began flocking to the region in the late 18th century.
They found it fertile ground: historian David Edward Harrell Jr. writes that “by 1830 the ‘Solid South’ was more of a religious than a political reality.” Since then, Southern Oregon University’s Mark Shibley documents, evangelical faith has dominated spiritual and cultural life among Southern whites in a way that it hasn’t anywhere else in the United States.
i have one question is it really conservatism or is it really selfish White guys with a God complex?  decades of having things your way and knowing your own shortcomings lording over another gives a false sense of undeserved superiority, now faced with losing that the have gone all James Crow on us.