Thursday, May 14, 2015

Pope: God Will Judge Climate Denialists

Pope Francis has warned “the powerful of the Earth” they will answer to God if they fail to protect the environment to ensure the world can feed its population.
He's not kidding, either:
"We must do what we can so that everyone has something to eat. But we must also remind the powerful of the Earth that God will call them to judgment one day," he said. "And there it will be revealed if they really tried to provide for him in every person, and if they did what they could to preserve the environment so that it could produce this food."
The Pope's closest advisors concur:
On Tuesday, one of Francis' key advisers, Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga, said he was stunned by the complaints he had heard during a trip to the United States over a papal document that hasn't even been published yet. He accused those fueling it of an ideology "that is very strongly linked to a vision of capitalism that doesn't want to renounce damaging the environment for the sake of profits."
Francis has said global warming is "mostly" man-made and that humanity has a moral duty to stop it.
that sounds a lot like what i said they can't admit to climate change because they would have no room to deny regulations all about the Benjamin's.  we know to the republicans and right wing we are not top of the list of things to save profit and more profit are.  wonder how many that are on their side and Catholic will heed the Pope's words and no longer support the deniers and the quest for our deaths.  also i winder what obnoxious names they will call Pope Frankie after all he is speaking out against their burgeoning bank accts.?

The Pope's comments precede the eagerly anticipated papal encyclical on Climate Change which many believe will anger Climate Change "Deniers" (as well as certain U.S. churches that operate as de facto PACs for the Republican Party).
An encyclical is a statement of fundamental principles designed to guide Catholic teaching on a subject. It is issued in the form of a letter from the pope to bishops around the world...[.]
The pope is due to address the UN Special Summit on Sustainable Development in September and the international community will seek to reach a universal agreement on climate change at a summit in Paris in December.
Climate change sceptics have warned Francis not to take sides in the debate but all the signs so far are that he sees the problem as man-made and as one which can be alleviated by political action.
Here is a small list of those whom Pope Francis implies risk being cast into Hell at the time of the Last Judgment:
Charles and David Koch
James Inhofe
Marco Rubio
The entire Fox News organization
Rick Scott
Rick Perry
Rick Santorum
Mike Pence
Ted Cruz
given those named was that warning a threat and if so to what end pray for him and his safety these are the money grabbing zealots of the right wing we are talking about there is no limit.