Monday, June 24, 2013

'Rape Kits Clean Out Women' Says Texas Republican Before Anti-Abortion Bill Passes House -

Unless Texas Democrats are able to successfully filibuster the legislation, it looks like women across the state are all but certain to lose their right to choose.
Article PhotoIn the wee hours of the morning late last night, Texas House Republicans were able to slam an omnibus anti-abortion bill through the legislature and down the throats of women.
Over 600 Texans showed up to protest the bill, known as SB 5, outnumbering the supporters of the bill by a large margin. But that didn’t slow down Republicans one bit and the bill passed.
If the bill becomes law, all but five out of forty-two abortion clinics across Texas faces shut down. 
The bill requires doctors to have admitting privileges at a local hospital no more than 30 miles away, requires clinics to be surgical centers, and bans abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy on the false notion that fetuses feel pain at that stage in development.
what is it do republicans think women will see things their way and come to the conclusion they are right they do know better then them and they do care about women?  why are doctor's not joining the campaign against what no know nothing guys are trying to do to women they surely know the danger it presents?
just when you thought they could not top the recent insane coments by those on the right about women and contraception, rape and a binder full of other ignorant assumptions spoken out loud, theres this;
The debate throughout the evening was passionate, especially from Democrats, who fought valiantly on behalf of women’s health and rights. Several amendments were offered and summarily rejected by the GOP majority, including one that would have exempted victims of rape from the 20 week ban.
That led to one of the most outrageous moments of the night. Arguing against the exception for rape victims, Republican Rep. Jodie Laubenberg absurdly claimed that rape victims can be magically cleaned out at hospitals by emergency rape kits.
“In the emergency room they have what’s called rape kits where a woman can get cleaned out,” she said, apparently clueless about what rape kits are actually used for. Rape kits are used to collect evidence of the rape. They do not ‘clean out’ women and they certainly do not prevent pregnancy.
why aren't the women of America fighting these women that seen to be hypnotized and vote with the men who are not just endangering them but their moms, sisters, daughters and the rest of their female relatives, why is there no anger and action against?