Thursday, March 5, 2015

Why recording the police is so important

this is the second reason for the terrible relationship between cops and urban areas the first was started centuries ago when the brought Black people here to enslave as time went on the more they demonized and created hate among those not slaves and self hate among those that were slaves. now so many not of color are still harboring the fears of the bogeyman created by those who would own another human being and i gets passed on and is now in the moment, tomorrow ssdd next year probably more of the same.

until those who oppose can rebuke the myths in their heads it will prevail and the America they say is the greatest country in the world will still contest for the most racist and bigoted country in the world.  it's up to us a very disjointed United States or THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 2016 is the goal to achieve the latter.