Monday, June 24, 2013

'Gang' warfare over Senate immigration bill

They represent conservatives’ last stand in the Senate.
Article PhotoTo a small band of Republican senators, the problems with the Senate’s immigration reform bill could fill an encyclopedia.
of course it does it allows millions of potential progressive voters who in 13 yrs. or whatever penalty they put on them will eventually become more and more of the right wings rejection to them and still vote progressives. really if they were potential republican voters they would have made it in the 1900's.
To them, the bill is too long, it hasn’t been read, it’s been negotiated in secret, it’s filled with loopholes, it doesn’t do what Gang of Eight talking points promised and Republicans haven’t been given the chance to substantively alter it. 
They’ve compared it to Obamacare, warning that a “cornhusker kickback” is buried somewhere deep inside the border security language.
pay close attention to this paragraph it starts off with " IT HASN'T BEEN READ",  to me that is the end of their rejection they are publicly saying they reject it but don't have a clue why, pretty much their lives since Jan. 20, 2009, 
know that almost if not every bill presented the first thing out of their mouths after beating it up and fouling it's existence they tell us how many pages it is and do we expect them to read it, well hell yes we do, it's their freakin' job
A stubborn anti-reform "Gang of Five" has been the loudest opponents: Republican Sens. Mike Lee of Utah, Jeff Sessions of Alabama, David Vitter of Louisiana, Ted Cruz of Texas and Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma. These loud-and-proud foes are bucking much of the mainstream GOP establishment — including Fox News's Bill O'Reilly — which is now rushing en masse to embrace the bill.

the usual suspects have just taken the general feeling of the right and put it out there in our faces, where as the establishment thought they were doing it undercover.  the reality of they are no longer period is sinking into some and the new young gun shoot myself in the footers are going further than the party now wants them to go i think these a holes will try to start another party in opposition not just to progressive politics but conservatives as well, remember they are referred to as T-Party darlings, band of little piggy's without lipstick.