Thursday, June 12, 2014

Republican Congressman says he sold a vote for money ... and then they didn't pay him

and now for the quadruple threat wing nut of the week, stupid, deceptive, freebie. and he admits it.

Vance McAllister (R) at Revolution Park Racing and Entertainment Complex

"Kissing Congressman" Vance McAllister seems to be looking to make trouble for other Republicans on his way out. Last week he gave an audience an example of how, when he said, "money controls Washington":
McAllister said he voted "no" on legislation related to the Bureau of Land Management though he did not identify the bill. McAllister said a colleague on the House floor told him that he would receive a $1,200 contribution from Heritage Foundation if he voted against the bill. He would not name his colleague since he “did not want to put their business out on the street.”
“I played dumb and asked him, ‘How would you vote?’” McAllister said. “He told me, ‘Vote no and you will get a $1,200 check from the Heritage Foundation. If you vote yes, you will get a $1,000 check from some environmental impact group.’” [...]
“I voted no, and I didn’t get a Heritage Foundation check but he did,” McAllister said. “I went back and checked with my friend, ‘I didn’t get a check, man. What were you talking about?’ He told me, ‘Well, I got one. Why didn’t you?’”
 The Heritage Foundation responds that it doesn't (and can't, legally) make direct contributions to politicians, which leaves a few possibilities. McAllister could be lying—McAllister claims he didn't get the contribution because Heritage and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal were "upset with me" over his little kissing scandal, so making Heritage look bad could be a priority for him—
 or the colleague in the story could be lying. Or reality could be a touch more complicated, and McAllister could be telling a factually inaccurate and nuance-impaired story that boils down a system in which big donors and powerful foundations get votes because they have access ... which they have because of money, but feels less crass to most of those involved than admitting it's all about money.
this looks asthough it might turn into one of those things that "blow the lid off" would be great if right wing heritage by maybe defaulting on a bribe gets exposed for it's under the table dealings in support of republicans or are republicans supporting them, either way it's trying to influence elected officials to further their interest the right wing agenda.  will this if true hender their ability to make bribes without paying up front and will their credit rating take a hit?