Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Las Vegas shooter confirmed to be participant in Bundy Ranch standoff

KRNV, via ROM CHOMPA | YouTubeVideo has emerged of a media interview with Jerad Miller, one of the two shooters in the Las Vegas murder of two police officers and one bystander, during the Bundy Ranch standoff in April. In the interview, Miller states:
I feel sorry for any federal agents that want to come in here and try to push us around, or anything like that. I really don't want violence toward them, but if they're gonna come bring violence to us, well, if that's the language they want to speak, we'll learn it.
This confirms Miller to have been a member of the militia group "defending" Bundy from federal agents; Miller himself states he had been present on his own Facebook page. Miller was also at least active enough in Nevada politics to attend a February Libertarian Party debate between sheriff candidates, where he had his picture taken with prominent Bundy militia member Richard Mack.

 Miller's depth of involvement with the Bundy militia after April is less clear, although he requested that someone "send me a rifle" in May, saying "Revolution is coming and we are not prepared! Help," a request that meshes with simultaneous Bundy militia requests for money and other resources in order to "continue" their "defense" of the ranch. While the Bundy clan disavows knowledge of Miller, the news that members of the group might be involved in the executions of law enforcement officers in Las Vegas seemed to come to no great surprise to Mack himself:
Reached this morning by Hatewatch with the news, Mack professed shock. “Oh, no,” he said. “I was afraid that he might have been at the Bundy ranch. As soon as I heard about it, I was afraid of that.”
i want to pose one question what if this were Americans of color armed defiant of federal gov't defending a proven deadbeat criminal, staking out fed agents from sniper positions, threaten them with death all in the name of " WRONG" , do you really think it would have gone this far with this much press and nothing being done to bring them to law?  those who oppose you can only lie to yourself for a second than you know what you think and what you would do given a reverse racial scenario, two America's out west one that supports lawlessness and the other that those same dissenters would kill if they tried to do what they are doing.