Thursday, January 22, 2015

Federal charges unlikely for Darren Wilson in Ferguson case, officials say

CNN)A federal investigation has not found enough evidence to charge Darren Wilson with the federal crime of depriving Michael Brown of his civil rights, according to multiple sources familiar with the investigation.
The FBI has completed its investigation into the August shooting in Ferguson, Missouri, and sent the findings to the Justice Department, a law enforcement official and a separate U.S. official said Wednesday.
However, the final Justice Department report has not been completed. The FBI joined local officials in interviewing over 200 people and looked at much the same evidence as the grand jury.
What are the Brown family's options?
Ultimately, the decision will be made by Attorney General Eric Holder, who has said he will announce a decision before he leaves office, which is expected to be by spring.
Another Justice Department civil rights investigation into the Ferguson Police Department's overall track record with minorities is ongoing.
mixed feelings we know witnesses lie on both sides that does not serve justice it confuses it and we end with this kind of injustice.  i still believe the original confrontation that started it was Wilson grabbing Brown as reported first, pulled him into the car and drew his gun i think to intimidate him but he unexpectedly fought back for his life and that is how the gunshot in the car happened.

with police and city officials not really trying to convict and dismissing eyewitness reports of police over reaching and guiding the jury to insufficient evidence decision excepting known racist testimony as truth makes it really hard to determine civil rights infractions, it comes down to White people believing White people and not the ones they see as criminal bogeymen.

donot envy Holder he'll be damned if he does and damned if he doesn't, one sets a precedence the other SSDD