Friday, November 16, 2012

Optimism expresed by Obama, congressional leaders on resolving ‘fiscal cliff’

this picture looks like the last 4 years, the Pres. reaching out and Beohner looking down not trying to create a friendly photo opt.  unless he's so befuddled he's trying to shake with his left hand.
A closed-door White House meeting between President Barack Obama and top congressional leaders concluded Friday with Republicans reaffirming that they will accept some taxes, as the president is calling for, to resolve the so-called “fiscal cliff.”
“We are prepared to put revenue on the table, provided we fix the real problem,” said Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, echoing a stance House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) has also articulated.
McConnell was suggesting some spending cuts, particularly in Medicare and Medicaid, should also be included in a deficit reduction agreement for Republicans to sign onto it.
President Obama has not yet committed to such cuts, and many Democrats strongly oppose them.
they evidently need to name loopholes and corp welfare cuts before they start screwing with the people, they need to recognize with this win "we the people are now emboldened and will take it to them if they continue to deny the people. has losing become their MO now?
Boehner and now McConnell, breaking from the traditional ironclad opposition to tax increases by Republicans, are saying they will consider tax hikes on the wealthy. But they have not yet spelled out what specific measures they would favor.
no meat on the bone no who, what, when, where.