Saturday, June 7, 2014

Bill Maher Points Out The Obvious On Why Gitmo Prisoners Can't Be Tried - We Tortured Them

Once again, we've got a comedian picking up the slack where our so-called "journalists" have failed us.
It's been a very long week watching the right-wing freakout over the the prisoner swap for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, with everyone from John Bolton, to Ted Cruz, to the hairpieceDonald Trump, to you name it sticking their two cents in on whether we should have negotiated to get Bergdahl released and on whether the trade for the prisoners at Gitmo was worth it.
During a panel discussion on this Friday's Real Time with Bill Maher on the topic, Maher finally said out loud what's been missing from the discussions we've been hearing in our corporate media, and that's why we could not have just tried these "terrorists" being held at Guantanamo Bay in a court of law -- we tortured them.
do we take serious stuff to serious to the point of confusion?  we over scrutinize everybody has teir version of what transpired and how we should interpret it.  that leads to the back and forth certain people of certain party affiliation feel the need to lie and engage in hyperbole using their facts not the real facts, then the discourse becomes about the hyperbole and not the real deal.  some because of political posturing others just want their 15 mins. and than we have the water carriers depending on whose water is being carried depends on whether it's misleading and misinformation by the time w get have way through the elephant dung there's a new topic and we're off and running again, it's a giant viscous loop a ball of confusion.
seems like our only hope to gain understanding is through our comedians humor is a power tool of communication you don't forget it before the next thing happens nor will you anytime soon, the back and forth he said he didn't but she might have is forgotten before bedtime.  thwe better the comedian the stronger and longer you retain it.