Saturday, June 7, 2014

One Veteran's Epic Rant to the Repuli-Tea Party on their disgraceful treatment of #Bergdahl

I've been told that the rights of Captured Foreign Terrorists are somehow less than the rights of anyone else under the Constitution, as if we were still living in the era of the Dred Scot Decision where the 14th Amendment's Equal Protection Clause, Article 1, Section 9 guaranteeing the Writ of Habeas Corpus, the Geneva Conventions and War Crimes Act were all merely a set of quaint but useless and outdated suggestions, or hints, or guidelines, not actually LAWS that mean anything  - like serving any number of years in a Federal Penitentiary including Life and possible Execution if the subject dies of deliberate mistreatment  -
 even though there have been not one, not two, but three different recent SCOTUS decisions on Gitmo that all say the exact opposite, that equal rights mean equal rights - [and btw some of them did die in custody during interrogation which was investigated by a Grand Jury & DOJ who haven't yet found "sufficient evidence to convict beyond a reasonable doubt"] - however a President with the all fired nerve to neglect to send a courtesy note to Capital Hill - when some Senators choose to walk out of Classified Bergdahl Briefings Early to go complain on Fox News about what they "didn't get told", and particularly since that briefing revealed that the Taliban had threatened to Kill Sgt. Bergdahl if the deal was publicly revealed before hand - all to facilitate a law requiring Congress be given advance notification on something they have no Constitutional decision making power over (under Art 2, Sec 2, Powers of the President to Grant "Reprieves and Pardons") is apparently a Crime Against Jehova Buddy Christ Lord God Vishnu Himself!.

short and sweet America in whole needs a make over and not decided by rich guys repubs or dems we the people are suppose to comprise the gov't but those who do are not really acting in our best interest not broken just the wrong people those influenced by money and power do nothing get paid and expect us to be suckers and re-elect them deja vu all over again, are we our worst enemy we have that power it's votes we have seen it overcome money and purchased influence so third time is our charm not theirs, but only if we exercise it.  who is really at fault those who try or those who obstruct and refuse to try recognize