Saturday, June 7, 2014

Frontal Attack on Ga Courthouse.. How is that new law working for you Ga?
Are you surprised?  I'm not.
Breaking from CNN.
Man tries to  open carriy Assault rifle into courthouse in Forsyth County.  Now that was so sensible to pass laws to carry weapons into courthouses.
NRA will say, " Good guy with gun prevented attack".  This law put that deputy in danger and yes it is very good that he was stopped before more havoc but what if he had been carrying a hand gun quite not so visible?  
Bomb squad now sweeping the area.
Atlanta (CNN) --
A man armed with explosives and an assault rifle might have entered a north Georgia courthouse Friday if not for a deputy who was wounded in the shootout with the gunman, Forsyth County Sheriff Duane Piper said.
Authorities killed Dennis Marx outside the courthouse, Piper said during a news conference, adding that the gunman planned to wreak more havoc once inside the building.
"Mr. Marx's intention was to get in that front door and take hostages," he said
it's starting everyday another idiotic event do to carry laws is the NRA and tea party happy they are getting their way will Americans die regardless to whether they are crazy or trying to exercise their new right to carry guns
 wonder if he thought that carrying that gun out of the house would end his life?  how many more before NRA and tea people back off since the dead children didn't raise any sense of regret and repeal those laws just increase the carry areas, CHURCH????