Wednesday, July 22, 2015

8 months later, the Cleveland PD admits it was wrong to ever hire the officer who killed Tamir Rice

Timothy Loehmann on the left and Tamir Rice on the right

This mistake cost Tamir Rice his life.
Over eight months after Cleveland Police Officer Timothy Loehmann shot 12-year-old Tamir Rice, ignored him as he struggled to live, and let him die, the Cleveland Police Department has finally admitted what we already knew—it was a mistake to ever hire Loehmann in the first place. So incompetent and mentally unstable was he at hispolice academy, his superior specifically stated that he should never serve in law enforcement.
Five other departments checked on this and refused to hire Loehmann.
The Cleveland Police Department now admits it failed to check Loehmann's background when they hired him. Their response, giving one supervising officer a two-day suspension and another officer a write-up in his file, amounts to a proverbial "oopsy."
Two Cleveland police supervisors who hired the officer who later shot and killed 12-year-old Tamir Rice have been disciplined.
Lt. Gail Bindel and Sgt. Edwin Santiago "failed to adequately supervise and review an applicant's background investigation" and were found guilty of administrative charges including neglect of duty, according to documents.
Bindel was suspended for two days, and Santiago received a written reprimand, according to the letters dated July 9.
i do not believe this guy wasn't checked out just like law abiding police would check to weed out the criminal cops others would check to make sure they got "one of them" and not a whistle blower.  i also think they made the claim of not vetting him to cover upp the fact that they did.

we are beginning to see charges brought or talk of them being brought but as of yet the proof is in the pudding and that would be conviction and incarceration, balls in the nat'l judicial court system.  btw those look like peace signs don't know of any gang that uses peace signs as their brand.