Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Scott Walker says maybe he'll have to bomb Iran first day of his presidency

Republican presidential hopeful, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker addresses an economic summit hosted by Florida Gov. Rick Scott in Orlando, Florida, June 2, 2015.  REUTERS/Steve Nesius  - RTR4YIWC

Seems like being heard over the Donald Trump crazy is becoming a full-time job for the other Republican hopefuls, and nothing is too outrageous in the quest for headlines. Here's Scott Walker, trying to differentiate himself from Jeb Bush and the crowd, saying he'll be prepared to bomb Iran on his first day in the Oval Office.
Speaking to reporters [in Iowa] Saturday after an appearance at the Family Leader Summit, Walker said the next president will need to be prepared to take aggressive action against Iran, "very possibly" including military strikes, on the day he or she is inaugurated, and said he would not be comfortable with a commander in chief who is unwilling to act aggressively on day one of a new presidency. 
In his announcement speech at the beginning of the week, Walker had promised to 'terminate' the Iran deal on day one of his presidency, and Bush, at a town hall four days later, said ending the deal on the first day of a new administration was unrealistic and suggested that promises to do so, while politically appealing, reflected a lack of seriousness.
i would like to point out my friends the republican hypocrisy in living color, we know they habitually accuse others of the things they do like we'll forget their dirt and focus on those the oppose faulty plan especially when you do it over and over in different situations.

they have been the saber wavers of the west McCain and his bomb, bomb, bomb Iran, republican senators going out of the country to collude with other saber wavers against the Pres. treason, sending letters to countries we are in deliberations with telling them not to trust us treason,

now they after decades of railing against Iran and it's threats to Israel what do they do continue the threats after a peace and no nukes agreement to Iran gotta admit this is new claiming he'll bomb Iran day one in office does that mean ObamaCares now gets relegated to day 2?????