Saturday, May 16, 2015

Pope Francis does the impossible: Gets Republicans to want religion out of politics

Pope Francis waves as he arrives to lead the weekly audience in Saint Peter's square at the Vatican March 25, 2015. REUTERS/Stefano Rellandini - RTR4URKU

What does it take to make Republicans want to keep religious leaders out of politics? A pope who disagrees with them, apparently. Pope Francis' recognition of a Palestinian state is just the latest of the pontiff's positions that have Republican politicians trying to put him in his place.
“It’s interesting how the Vatican has gotten so political when ultimately the Vatican ought to be working to lead people to Jesus Christ and salvation, and that’s what the Church is supposed to do,” said Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.), a hawkish defender of Israel.
So ... Republicans get to use religion as a political club, but actual religious leaders should stay the hell out. We've got Texas Republicans trying to block marriage equality from being enacted, whatever the Supreme Court decides. We've got House Republicans passing yet another anti-abortion bill based more on religion than science. We've got an avalanche of bills legalizing discrimination in the name of religious freedom.
Republicans have shown time and time again that they have no problem whatsoever with religion in politics. Now we know how particular they are about whose religion and whose politics. Catholic leaders in politics are fine as long as they're threatening to deny communion to Democrats over abortion, but let a pope talk about economic inequality and poverty and suddenly Republicans discover that they'd really prefer it if religious leaders would keep quiet and let politicians speak for them.
do you think more exposure like this of the right wing religious hypocrisy will get them to stop crying wolf when it's them that are the pack of wolves.  they continue to show they have no leg to stand on when crying religion as what they teach and support is not that of the real living God but of those who wish to control blocks of gullible people who will give them the deed to the ranch as long as any religious buzz word is in any sentence they utter.

i wish we could all be there on Judgement Day just to see them all get turned away at the Pearly Gates the crap they are selling in the name of The Lord is elephant dung and the epitome of blasphemy and my friends St. Peter don't play that.