Saturday, May 16, 2015

Southwest Airlines refused to let woman use cellphone to save her husband's life

A Wisconsin woman is looking for answers after she said Southwest Airlines refused to let her use her cellphone to make a call that could have saved her husband's life. (Fox)
On April 3, Karen Momsen-Evers was flying back to Milwaukee after a girls’ trip in New Orleans. Right before takeoff, she received a text from her husband that read: “Karen, please forgive me for what I am about to do, I am going to kill myself…”
"I started shaking and I was panicked," Momsen-Evers told "I texted him ‘no, 'no,’ and he responded, 'yes, because I have to.'"
The text reached her just as flight crew were finishing cabin checks, but she said she knew the text was "serious" because her husband, who'd been very stressed recently, never threatened suicide before.  She said that she told a male flight attendant what was happening and showed him the text messages.  
"The steward slapped the phone down and said 'you have to put that in airplane mode. We were pushing away from the gate,'" Momsen-Evers recalls. The unidentified crew member explained that it was “FAA regulations.”
Helpless, Momsen-Evers waited until airborne to reach out to another flight attendant for help and asked if they could make an emergency call from the cockpit.
"I showed her the texts. She said that she there is nothing she could do and that they could not disturb the pilot.  They offered me a drink, that was it," says Momsen-Evers. "I just wanted someone to go and try to save him.”
is this a price for freedom is there some kind of terrost thing about phones on a plane???  after showing them the text you would think the airline would have some emergency plan in existence for this or similar incidents.  had their been a text to that lady saying the steward or the pilot's spouse was about to kill themselves wonder how long they would have stayed on the tarmac for that.

sadly i don't think there will be any responsibility to the airlines if  there is an FAA regulation in place now is the time for republicans to rail against a regulation that can take a life instead of save one.  will the airline show empathy as well as some sense of obligation to help her who knows????