Saturday, May 16, 2015

Allen West warns of Sharia law at Walmart because a minor wouldn't sell him booze

Republican U.S. Rep. Allen West listens to a question at a campaign stop with guests at SCORE South Palm Beach, a resource partner to the U.S. Small Business Administration, in Boca Raton, Florida October 18, 2012. West faces Democrat Patrick Murphy in a
                                                        HOUSE "N......"

While we are no longer contractually obligated to bring you news of former congressperson Allen West, R-FloridaMan, he is still dispensing many conservative wisdoms from his new perch at the National Center for Policy Analysis, aka wingnut welfare, and we can't really ignore all of them now can we.
Fox News contributor Allen West went to Walmart and thought he was the victim of "Sharia law" because a checkout clerk under the age of 21 couldn't sell him alcohol.
He did indeed. And he wrote of his harrowing experience in a post titled Sharia law comes to Walmart?" It all began when he went to his neighborhood Walmart to buy some food and liquor, aka thinky-juice, because Republican think-tank heads purchase most of their quality booze at Walmart, but when he got into a checkout line the unthinkable happened. It was a nice America we had once, but it's over now. It ended that day at Walmart.
There was a young man doing the checkout and another Walmart employee came over and put up a sign, "No alcohol products in this lane." So being the inquisitive fella I am, I used my additional set of eyes -- glasses -- to see the young checkout man's name. Let me just say it was NOT "Steve."
If it was "Steve," it is quite possible none of this would have happened. But he wasn't named Steve, he was named some deeply suspicious ethnic-sounding name that we will never know. And that set off the West family alarm bells.
I pointed the sign out to [daughter] Aubrey and her response was a simple question, how is it that this Muslim employee could refuse service to customers based on his religious beliefs, but Christians are being forced to participate in specific events contrary to their religious beliefs?
And thus Sharia law came to the neighborhood Walmart, and now decent God-fearing Christians can't buy liquor for their daughters. Imagine if Christians attempted something like that—declaring certain American counties dry, or forbidding liquor stores from selling their wares on certain days of the week, because they had gotten it into their heads that alcohol was the devil's own spit. Oh there would be outrage, there would be. Allen West would lead the charge personally.
There is only one flaw in Allen West's gripping account of the Muslim takeover of his local Walmart; it turns out the young man with the suspicious jihady-sounding name could not serve Allen West booze not because he was a sekrit Muslim, but because he was under 21 and Walmart store policy says underage employees can't fondle the liquor. (One wonders if the person tasked with explaining this to Allen West was the same poor sap who had to reassure Texans that Walmart was not reconfiguring their stores to serve as detention camps when the U.S. military came to round up all the Texans.)

this is the right wing gone crazy  first thing that came to my mind was the article specifically says 
another Walmart employee came over and put up a sign, "No alcohol products in this lane.
did the azzhole look to see the name of the other employee must not have been an Islamic name which makes his despicable assumption all the more reprehensible.  but true to republican form even though by virtue of that sentence the checkout guy is automatically relieved of any responsibility or connection with Sharia or anything involving Islamic extremism but in the racist self hater's mind he had the look and the quirky name that sealed the deal guilty as presumed.  this is not just the idiot West this is their MO if their is a grain of salt that connects to one of their conspiratorial buzz words well it's on we have to call them out and kill the Islamic terror.

never stopping to think it's the racist bigotry and disrespect by those on the right wing that created this backlash against their interference and occupation and them trying to convert them to evangelical hatred teachings there was a student that told Jeb Bush his brother created ISIS does she have a point????