Sunday, March 8, 2015

Westboro Baptist 'Protesters' Can't Find Spock's Funeral. Live Long And F**k Off, Douchebags

The Westboro Baptist Church, long-associated with their deranged and ugly protests at the funerals of US troops, have been thwarted in their attempt to 'protest' at the funeral of actor Leonard Nimoy, who died on Friday. According to The Guardian:
The church posted a Twitter update lamenting its inability to picket the event, which it said was due to a lack of publicity over the location.
Awww...that's a shame: the crazed, rancid bigots couldn't make it.  Westboro has become notorious for its uninvited presence at high-profile funerals of those whose sexuality and beliefs it disagrees with. The WBC, which is also anti-Jewish, anti-Catholic and anti-Chinese, believes that the Iraq and Afghanistan wars are God’s punishment on America for tolerating homosexuality.
these people operate under a different deity that does fall in line with republican politics but not the teachings of my God they hate they disrespect they are always crying about someone stomping on their right to religious freedom but nobody knows what they are talking about it's not the same as their defaming and stomping on all other religions in the world, they do the dirt than lay it off on everybody else who follows the true word of Jesus.  it seems obvious to me that their God ranks them beneath the animals on earth who are more compassionate, caring and empathetic to those not of their kind they need to see who is more humane than them and the Bible says they are to have dominion over the ones that are more Godlike than they. check out the link below.