Friday, March 6, 2015

Karen Finney On CNN: NY Times Source Quoted In Clinton Email Story Made Clear That Clinton Did Not Break Any Laws

i'm spinning around on this but allow me to pass the buck you guys check it out and see what you think. points on both sides but i am biased and think republican are knit picking again and preparing to spin more millions of your money while still trying to tit Benghazi to the bumper.  i think they see it as another chance to pin their tale on the donkey.  

they are screaming about this but here was nothing but crickets each and everytime one of theirs blatantly violated law and statues, biggest on Cheyney/ Bush war crimes and lies. and their incessant refusal to let their loss and all laws that came about for we the people alone and quit looking like the bully on the playground trying to take taxpayers lunches.