Saturday, March 7, 2015

House Democrats tell Boehner they have his back

Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) stand together before Boehner signed the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act on Capitol Hill in Washington July 11, 2014.      REUTERS/Joshua Roberts    (UNITED ST

Sorry, Boehner. She's the only thing standing between you and a bucket of tar and feathers.
House Democrats saved House Speaker John Boehner—and the Republicans—from another disastrous government shutdown when they helped him pass the Homeland Security funding bill. Then they helped him save Amtrak. Now they're letting him know they'll help him keep his job.
Tea Party Republicans contemplating a bid to oust Rep. John Boehner (R-Ohio) shouldn't count on Democrats to help them unseat the Speaker.
And without their support, there is no chance to topple Boehner in this Congress.
"I'd probably vote for Boehner [because] who the hell is going to replace him? [Ted] Yoho?" Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.) said Wednesday, referencing the Florida Tea Party Republican who's fought Boehner on a host of bipartisan compromise bills.
"In terms of the institution, I would rather have John Boehner as the Speaker than some of these characters who came here thinking that they're going to change the world," Pascrell added. […]
"I think it would pose a real existential dilemma for us," said Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.). "I mean, on the one hand, if you have a chance to take out a Republican Speaker, why wouldn't you do that? On the other hand, if the obvious alternative is a Tea Party Speaker, now you've got to worry not only about your own political situation but frankly about the institution.
"I think that would give very serious pause to the Democrats."
point taken they can't replace him with a Dem so at least he will fold and not want to set the WH on fire if Pres. doesn't repeal Lily Ledbetter.  but that really has to be humiliating to the republicans to have their recently reelected speaker who they now have buyers remorse for be saved by Speaker Pelosi and the Dems from their desire to trade him in, that my friends is poetic justice and further evidence of the internal pretzel like running's of the party that runs the gov and that is no way to run a gov't their all playing twister on the congress floor.

irony is they the tea people were the very ones driving the obstruction of Pres. and the American citizens, now they who shut Beohner down every time he and Pres. made a deal are now being served their own signature dish obstruction just no side dish of obsession.