Sunday, March 8, 2015

GOP presidential candidate Scott Walker is destroying Wisconsin to prove just how conservative he is

Wisconisn Governor Scott Walker gestures as he addresses the second session of the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida, August 28, 2012 REUTERS/Mike Segar (UNITED STATES  - Tags: POLITICS ELECTIONS)

Scott Walker and his pursuit of the presidency is wreaking havoc upon the good people of Wisconsin. In the current budget, we have seen him attack education—all but gutting the University of Wisconsin System—and giving a green light to for-profit education statewide.
And then there's the lie of right-to-work, and cutting funding for our beautiful state parks. Those of us on the left did everything we could do to warn our fellow citizens what would happen if Walker were allowed to win a second term. Sadly, we were drowned out by right-wing noise machine and the grip it has on Wisconsin media as well as the millions upon millions of dollars spent to ensure a Walker victory.
My fellow citizens will come to regret their decision, much like they regret electing Sen. Joe McCarthy. Their first regrets will come when they pull into Harley-Davidson State Park (formerly known as Devil's Lake State Park), or maybe when they find out that Briggs and Stratton State Park (formerly known as Peninsula State Park) is closed for a corporate event. Yes, that is right, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources—specifically, unqualified Walker crony Cathy Stepp—has told lawmakers that:
Wisconsin will consider selling naming rights to state parks to help them operate without tax support as proposed under Gov. Scott Walker's biennial budget
So instead of going to Governor Dodge State Park, and Cox Hollow Beach, you will be going to Miller Brewing State Park and you will swim at Oscar Mayer Hot Dogs Beach.
Of course, if you are a domestic abuser, Wisconsin is the place to be. No more of that pesky 48-hour waiting period to purchase a handgun. Nope, now you can get pissed off at your loved one, go out while you are still angry, purchase a .357 magnum, come home, and blow your family away in a fit a blind rage. Who needs a cooling-off period anyway?
But that is not all. Walker and his GOP cabal will continue to attack women's rights with a 20-week abortion ban. The only reason this ban is coming up now is to burnish Walker's conservative resume.
To top all this off, a simple law, AB8, to make women safer in Wisconsin, is being held up in the Wisconsin Senate. Making "upskirting" a felony is considered too controversial to bring up for a vote.
Via Facebook chat, Assemblywoman Melissa Sargent had this to say about what is happening in Wisconsin:
"In Wisconsin we have a culture of taking care of each other - from building barns and plowing fields with and for our neighbors to cooking casseroles and watching each others children - we reach out embrace our friends and neighbors as our family. We should expect nothing less from our elected officials - rather what we are seeing this legislative session are decisions being made with, for and by out of state corporate special interest groups rather than with the Wisconsin values that we grew up with.
yeah it's easy to see why he is the front runner for the republicans i'm surprised they aren't sending flowers and candy and wine with notes begging him to get in and stay in the race and lining up outside his house newspaper in hand wagging tails and ready to lick whatever.  he has the billionaire Kochs and i'm sure others but those people don't spend millions maybe even billions to elect someone they feel confident will pass laws that will make that money back plus, if that wasn't clear Walker is bought and paid for and nowhere in his platform anything that benefits the people he is sworn to protect and serve.

he is obviously certain he will overcome any opposition with the backing he has but you don't go that high without leaving dirt on the floor as we know it all comes to light soon enough.  if he is not stopped WI. will eventually secede and become an independent oligarchy of the right wing kind.