Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Anti-Muslim film director in hiding, following Libya, Egypt violence

Romney and the right want to get all indignant if any Muslim wants to be in America, Sharia law, they are the worse people since early Klan members, they burn our flag and ohhhh crap it's on!
but they can burn their Bibles and make fun of their God whom they are much more gung ho then American's. purposely doing hateful and egregious things to them then cry foul when they hit back. 
we are in their land screw this illusion of sovereignty of soil, "IT'S THEIR DIRT" and we are here insulting and demonizing, right wing racist are the reason this is where it is.
A man identifying himself as Sam Bacile, a California real estate developer, posted a 13-minute clip of “The Innocence of Muslims,” in July, and the film became a lightning rod after the Egyptian media began showing parts of it on air and after dubbed versions of the English-language film appeared on the Internet.
It depicts the Prophet Muhammad as a bumbling idiot, born out of wedlock and making up verses to the Islamic holy book to suit his purposes and desires. The film also shows him as having intimate relations with women and suggests that he was gay.
Any flesh-and-blood depiction of Muhammad is offensive to Muslims.
this wreaks of intentional provacation by those on the right to generate a catastrophe on the eve of the election that they are losing. not necessarily to win but cause angst among the voters, anything to further take down the country.
do you really want vindictive reprehensible liars running your country and ultimately your lives?
Bacile described himself to several news organizations as an Israeli-born Jew who works as a real estate developer in California. Yet his identity remains something of a mystery. Steve Klein, an associate of Bacile, told the Atlantic Monthly that Bacile was in fact a pseudonym. Bacile is not listed in any directories or incorporations or real estate deeds and is not licensed in California as a real estate broker.
so we don't know who which makes motive aside from the obvious hard to determine are you thinking hmmmmm yet?
preachers burning Quran , alledged American Israeli's starting conflicts are you there yet?