Saturday, March 7, 2015

Huckabee Asked To Provide Example Of Negative Impact Of Marriage Equality, Draws A Blank

Mike Huckabee speaks during the Iowa Agriculture Summit.

In 2009, the Iowa Supreme Court brought same-sex marriage to the Hawkeye State, allowing thousands of LGBT couples to tie the knot. The weddings boosted the state economy — Iowa has added around $850,000 to $930,000 in tax revenue since legalization — and helped expand marriage equality to some 37 states.
At the Iowa Agriculture Summit on Saturday, ThinkProgress asked former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R), a vocal opponent of marriage equality, how Iowa’s same-sex weddings have negatively impacted the state. But rather than providing any specific examples, Huckabee dodged the question and fell back on old rhetoric.
“Iowans voted differently than the judges ruled, so you’ve got a conflict between the people and the judges,” he told ThinkProgress. “Ultimately, most states have made clear their position on it. The battle hasn’t been with the people. The battle has been with a handful of people in black robes.”
According to a 2014 poll, support for same sex marriage reached an all-time high last year with nearly eight in ten young adults in favor of legalizing gay marriage and 55 percent of the general population in support.
this is what i'm talking about when they say or support anti law and anti American sentiment call them out a simple "prove it" will suffice because there is to reason to their madness just harping on old buzz points that they think because to words and the nat'l sentiment has changed it's like a brand new thing to oppose.  my favorite is the old White toothless farmer asked why he hated Obama his response, "because his names Obama", then looked at the reporter like "didn't you know?".

they can point to Bible verse but unless you follow to the letter what it says you don't get to pick one as your proof of relevance.  i still think that most like the farmer can give a real legitimate answer to why they hate or point to something that a same sex couple marriage did directly and physically or mentally to them, no Fox talking points allowed your own personal experience repeating right wing rhetoric is tantamount to bilo saying he witnessed nuns being killed because he saw a picture.  this isn't Dallas and it wasn't all a dream it was a bald faced lie.  sorry got off topic there.