Sunday, March 8, 2015

GOP congressman: If you had wolves in your district, you wouldn't have a homeless problem

Don Young, CSPAN screenshot

Release the wolves!
Alaska's Rep. Don Young wants to take gray wolves off the endangered species list. Upset with a letter 79 congressmen wrote to protect the wolves, he went on a bizarre rant. From The Washington Post:
“How many of you have got wolves in your district?” he asked. “None. None. Not one.”
“They haven’t got a damn wolf in their whole district,” Young continued. “I’d like to introduce them in your district. If I introduced them in your district, you wouldn’t have a homeless problem anymore.”
this is representative of the republican party's stance on anything that has not got ties to the rich yes we the people the everyday people are not on any to do today list on the right wing is bad enough but to suggest solving the homeless problem by sicking wolves on the homeless that is just despicable him.  does he take that position because they can't vote or judging by the look on his and the person behind him they just hate them like everything else.  during these times they left us with in 2009 anyone could be and many have hard working tax payers lost in the republican depression become homeless so is he saying they no longer matter and feed them to the wolves and be done with it?