Sunday, March 8, 2015

Cartoon: Greater Republica

Now that Benjamin Netanyahu has given his very own State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress, the partisan colonization of the world is in full swing! Netanyahu has clearly thrown his lot in with the Republicans, and virtually every Republican in Congress has jumped on the Bibi bandwagon. Gone are the days of a unified bipartisan stance toward Israel. With the Israeli government going Republican, what political party will other nations pick?
Almost forgotten in all of the Netanyahu Congressional showboating is the fact that the Obama Administration is frantically trying to negotiate an effective nuclear agreement with Iran. Don’t be fooled by Bibi’s talk of a “better deal,” more sanctions and a tougher stance toward Iran’s nuke program won’t yield any deal at all, and will yield instead all out military battle with Iran. 
what the war mongerer doesn't seem to realize is killing talks with Iran and going the way of republicans adding more sanctions before a deal can be brokered will only increase Iran's desire to get nukasized and keep it's promise to bloe Israel out of existence if thy were to get the bomb Neytanyahu is target number one, giving peace a chance is never a bad idea no matter how much one side is spoiling for a fight while cruising to a brusing.

i repeat we are not the big brother that bails them out of a fight they seem to be instigating.  Israel needs to hope he is not re-elected and cooler heads prevail.