Thursday, February 5, 2015

TX school suspends 9yo for terroristic threats because "Magic Ring"

9 year old Aiden Steward was suspended from Kermit Elementary School according to school officials. Aden and his family had just finished watching The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies and as kids are wont to do decided pretend to be a character from the film. He was pretending to be Bilbo Baggins, the titular character from The Hobbit written by J.R.R. Tolkien.
Aiden’s father, Jason, said that his family had just watched The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies earlier that week, and that his son “didn’t mean anything” when he told his classmate he was in possession of the “one ring to rule them all.”
“Kids act out movies that they see. When I watched Superman as a kid, I went outside and tried to fly,” he said.
“I assure you my son lacks the magical powers necessary to threaten his friend’s existence,” he added. “If he did, I’m sure he’d bring him right back.”
When contacted Kermit Elementary Principal Roxanne Greer said that she could not comment on the suspension, because “all student stuff is confidential,” but Steward said that she told him that any and all threats to a child’s safety — including magical ones — would be taken seriously by the school.
WTF is wrong with these people? Magic Terroristic Threats? What kind of brain dead people are running these schools. Apparently this is not the first time Aden has been singled out for punishment.
you know it's clear to me who is delusional and it's not the kid with the imaginary magic ring. everyday it seems something else intellectually unbelievable comes out of Texas, what is it a peyote infestation and with their deregulation policies it's in the water and air that would explain Rick Perry but these people are entrusted with the molding of juvenile minds.  we know they are trying to change curriculms to teach their revised history and rules of life you know the things their over 21'ers are doing and saying now.