Thursday, February 5, 2015

Rand Paul roils wealthy GOP donor conference by wearing wrong style of pants

Rand Paul speaking in Des Moines, Iowa, January 2012.

The Kentucky senator and prospective GOP presidential candidate [...] appeared at the annual winter meeting of the Koch donor network wearing a boxy blue blazer, faded jeans and cowboy boots.
Some attendees commented that Paul’s appearance was “cavalier,” said Frayda Levin, a Paul supporter and major donor who attended the conference at the Ritz-Carlton in Rancho Mirage, California. It was organized by Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce, the nonprofit hub that oversees the Koch network. “This is an older crowd and much more establishment crowd. They are used to a Romney. They are used to a Jeb Bush,” Levin said.
“Jeans might work for a younger audience,” said another attendee, “but these are old bulls who put on a tie every day to go to the office.”
Apparently the rest of his appearance (that is, the words coming out of his word-hole) were met with similar disdain, suggesting that Rand Paul may have his work cut out for him if he's looking to fund his presidential run via the usual method of finding a wealthy Republican sugar daddy. He also has his work cut out for him with the press.
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) didn't like the way a CNBC anchor was interviewing him, so he told her to "calm down," saying she was mischaracterizing basic facts in her questions.
While making the "shush your mouth" motion, which is not a telegenic thing to do when being interviewed by any reporter, unless you are that reporter's mom. Lord.
just when i thought the most dumbest thing i read so far this morning was already posted here we go again now i know some may critize his apparell but those that are trying to buy their way in are more concerned with who's name is on his jeans than what he brings to the table?  granted their table is short and sweet, kill all Obama bills, no taxes on them, and no regulations.  wtf does his shirt have to do with that?  he's been going around Black geographics trying to assure that he's different but two things counter that idea, he's republican and they are right wing donors neither is condusive to anything he might say to Black audience's.

that "shut your mouth thing well that's typical republican disrespect for women, especially those about to open a can of worms for them.