Monday, February 16, 2015

Sixty percent of Americans support marriage equality

Delma and Peg Welch, who have been together for more than two decades, join gay rights supporters at a rally on the Pennsylvania State Capital steps after a ruling struck down a ban on same-sex marriage in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, May 20, 2014. REUTERS/M

A new poll released by the Human Rights Campaign has found that 60 percent of Americans support "allowing gay and lesbian couples to marry legally," while only 37 percent oppose it.
That’s only slightly higher than nonpartisan public surveys, which show majorities backing same-sex marriage in recent years. In 2014, polls generally showed support for gay marriage in the mid-50s, and 56 percent of Americans in an ABC News/Washington Post poll in October 2014 support “the Supreme Court action … that allows gay marriages to go forward in several more states.”
The poll also asked respondents to react to a quote from Family Research Council president Tony Perkins, who predicted that a Supreme Court ruling legalizing same-sex marriage nationwide would cause a "revolt" or "revolution."
According to a memorandum from pollsters Anna Greenberg and David Walker, 70 percent of voters disagreed with that statement, including 57 percent of Republicans.
people that object to homosexuality and claim religious beliefs for what the show the hate and bigotry they espouse why doesn't their Christianity cover those things or are they cherry picking what religious tenets they like and disregard those that interfere with their way of life and why are the ones they seem to like always infringing on other peoples rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, it's like they assume the Declaration of Independence only applies to them the haters of the nation.  what's wrong with polls that counter their views they shove their favorable polls that they paid for on us citing them as what Americans want they need to be more specific and tell us what kind of Americans they are referring to that agree with their ideology.