Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Republicans Accuse Census Bureau Of Trying To 'Hide The Effects Of Obamacare'

Republicans who have tried for years to hamstring detailed surveys by the U.S. Census Bureau were suddenly alarmed Tuesday over news that changes to one of its surveys might in turn hamstring one of their political strategies -- attacks against Obamacare.
The changes, reported by The New York Times, will alter the questions asked about Americans' health insurance coverage, potentially making it more difficult to compare past and future data. The move comes as the country is shifting over to full implementation of the Affordable Care Act, and people on both sides of the debate would like to be able to point to solid data on how well it's working.
The problem, as the University of Minnesota School of Public Health's Kathleen Thiede Call told the Times, is that “The health insurance data reported in September of this year will not be directly comparable to what was reported last September.”
Republicans quickly took to Twitter to express alarm, and hint at conspiracies.
are we now to expect a reappearance of their grand inquisitor Issa they are creating another conspiracy 5 months before the evidence they think they can use comes out are you getting a feel for how they operate the propaganda machine.
pre lies and pre innuendo as they have repeatedly said "we have no proof", but it never stops the beating of their proverbial dead horse, desperation does some weird crap to your mind especially republican overdosing on their own fabrications.
one thing for sure if they start all having heart attacks we can blame Benghazi.