Saturday, June 14, 2014

There's no other way to put this: Sen. McCain, shut up

in 1967 the guy was on my ship USS Forrestal CVA-59 didn't know him or of him, only found out when he ran for Pres., but he has come off last few years as a war mongering zealot, his opinions should make us all glad he lost aside from Palin which i think he was forced into, he's been wrong about everything and it all was about war engagement had he won we would be involved into at least 6 wars and no military to speak of as a military man he seems not to understand if you over work and kill off your volunteer military you soon run out of those proverbial "boots on the ground".  no matter what the topic it's always Pres.'s fault kinda defies the laws of possibilities unless your're republican.

U.S. Senator John McCain speaks during a news conference at the U.S. embassy in Kabul January 2, 2014. REUTERS/Omar Sobhani (AFGHANISTAN - Tags: POLITICS) - RTX16ZTP
"No, wait, let me keep talking."
With conditions deteriorating in Iraq—because of the actions of Iraqi President Maliki and the Iraqi government and the Iraqi military and the Iraqi insurgents and the Iraqi religious factions—Republican Sen. John "Wannabe President" McCain, thwarted in his dream to have U.S. troops in Iraq for 100 years, is making the media rounds to blame it all on President Obama.
“The president wanted out and now we are paying a heavy price,” the Arizona Republicansaid on MSNBC.
"We had it won," McCain said. The U.S. "had the conflict won thanks to the surge … We had a stable government."
The only people stupid enough to think we ever had this war "won" were the same ones who predicted we'd "absolutely" be greeted as liberators, who thought the war would be paid for by Iraqi oil, who thought the Sunnis and Shia would "get along," who declared the war would "be brief," and that of course Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. Oh, wait, what was that Sen. McCain?
Shut. Up.