Saturday, June 14, 2014

Krugman nails it- The Fix Isn't In
Paul Krugman  writes in The New York Times that Cantor's defeat is a very big deal.
Movement conservatism is  "unraveling before our very eyes."
Eric Cantor and the Death of a Movement
The Rovian bag of tricks has long been used by conservatives to win elections.  Emotional conservative themes such as the threadbare Guns God and Gays are trotted out each election campaign only to be put away once Republicans are elected.
movement conservatism,” a term I think I learned from the historian Rick Perlstein, is something more specific: an interlocking set of institutions and alliances that won elections by stoking cultural and racial anxiety but used these victories mainly to push an elitist economic agenda, meanwhile providing a support network for political and ideological loyalists.
With the defeat of Cantor, this is all changing.
By rejecting Mr. Cantor, the Republican base showed that it has gotten wise to the electoral bait and switch, and, by his fall, Mr. Cantor showed that the support network can no longer guarantee job security. For around three decades, the conservative fix was in; but no more.
do you think the right wing base has been reading my blog and caught the ones about their usefulness was only during election time and after a swift kick to the curb without a view can't let them see what really is going on. lol  generally i see Krugman as a right wing water carrier and disagree with his opinions but this tim as the title says he nails it.  

now let's hope that Fox or other right wing media see his name and publish this and the base becomes even more enlightened, whoa maybe that's too much to wish for, but it could happen, just sayin.