Saturday, June 14, 2014

Lindsey Graham to the American people: 'I know you're war-weary, but ...'

An Army carry team transfers the remains of Army Specialist Israel Candelaria Mejias at Dover Air Force Base, Del., April 7. Specialist Candelaria Mejias died April 5 near Baghdad, Iraq, of wounds sustained when a mine detonated near him during combat ope

attribution: U.S. Air Force photo/Roland Balik
Sen. Lindsey Graham, in a throwaway bit of a wider piece covering Sen. John McCain's outrage over the thought that all of our hard-fought "gains" in Iraq coming to naught:
Graham echoed McCain’s views, but also acknowledged that new military action in Iraq likely would be unpopular with most Americans.
“To the American people, I know you’re war-weary, I know you’re tired of dealing with the Mideast,” he said. “But the people that are moving into Iraq and holding ground in Syria have as part of their agenda not only to drive us out of the Mideast, but to hit our homeland.”
First off, you don't need to say that Lindsey Graham "echoed McCain's views" on something. That part is implied. Second, let's have a trip down memory lane.
Remember back when the Iraq War sales campaign was going full force? Sure, Saddam Hussein was a monster and a tyrant, but the most important thing was that even though he didn't have anything to do with al Qaeda or with the September 11th attacks, he might have, or maybe hemight have in the future, and we don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud.
 That was the whole premise of invasion—that Iraq was this close to becoming a hotbed of terrorism, and to stop it from happening we had to bomb them to smithereens, kill great numbers of them, reform a new government that liked us better and oh-by-the-way remake their entire economy to better look like what certain think-tank wags thought might be a really sweet idea. It was that, or the mushroom cloud.
Slow forward to a decade later. The new Iraqi government is flimsy and corrupt; the Iraqi forces we spent a decade training and equipping seem a paper tiger at best. A sizable section of Iraq has now been placed under sharia law, of the "real" variety, and the people who planned and executed and/or promoted the Iraq War like it was a new brand of ultra-patriotic dessert topping are telling us that they told us so. 
 They knew it would all go to hell, you see, and it is because we did not believe enough, and did not clap loudly enough, and did not spend enoughtrillions of dollars in the effort, and most importantly it is because we did the worst possible thing, we left, and of course the whole situation was going to go to hell in a handbasket if we ever left.

i have only one thing to say in that narrative of Americans being war weary THERE WAS NO MENTION OF THE TROOPS who the claim to care about just the ranting of war and more war. 

 they often refer to our debt as not wanting to leave that on our kids but all to willing to do just that they have not told us how they would pay for it like last time bull in the china shop tactics trillion dollar wars they don't want to burden the children and grandchildren but they are all to willing to leave them with black lung disease, cancer and death from pollution and orphans of war. seems they really don't give a gnat's crap about the children 

they prove that with their abortion laws soon as the kid is born it's lights out lock the door turn the sign around out to lunch, guess that was more than one thing huh?