Thursday, June 12, 2014

President Obama: 'We should be ashamed.'

wait for the republican outrage, first it was "he's apologizing for America" what if anything should be apologized for is our indifference's that allowed the republican party to survive in this country, they are tantamount to our own personal AL- QAEDA their crazies that they arm are their foot soldiers their is very little difference in the two except language and attire period.  "now he's ashamed of America the greatest country in the world"  "just like his wife was not proud of America" ask yourself with what they have done and are doing to tear the country down and take it back to the good ol james crow days what is there to be proud of regardless to your ethnicity?

"My biggest frustration so far is the fact that this society has not been willing to take some basic steps to keep guns out of the hands of people who can do just unbelievable damage," he said during a Tumblr Q&A.
"This is becoming the norm," he continued about school shootings. "We should be ashamed."
The United States does not have a monopoly on crazy people. It's not the only country that has psychosis. And yet, we kill each other in these mass shootings at rates that are exponentially higher than any place else," he said.
 Shame indeed.
A modern, civilized, Western nation-state sees clearly that there is no good, logical or moral reason for a heavily armed general population. The fact that the United States cannot even keep highly lethal firearms out of the hands of even the insane is indeed a national shame. Furthermore, it's a disgrace. As I said earlier, the insane gun movement has now set its sights on the voting booth, a place that a properly run democracy, must consider sacrosanct. It is so insane that these same people feel it is perfectly okay to threaten federal law enforcement officials executing court orders!
It's time we are clear and blunt: the gun movement is a violent threat to the American way of life. Without question, it is clear, present, and obviously dangerous. Ask two police officers, or scores of innocent children ... if you could.
 The fact that our politicians cannot even find a way to protect the general public from massacres committed by the insane is more than a shame; It is dereliction of duty.
we have the remedy available to the public Nov. 4th 2014 at your local poll booth use it and be proud maybe for the first time?   some might take umbrage to that but instead of umbrage how about reviewing the American track record and the denial and beat down of things that would make you proud by right wing enthusiast through the centuries  17th century till today then as yourself are you proud or ashamed that will tell you who you should vote for.