Thursday, June 12, 2014

Cartoon: Soldier falls into hands of American Taliban

(Click to enlarge)
The thuggish behavior on the right toward Bowe Berdgahl, his family, and his community has been nothing short of disgusting. In the past week, his parents have received multiple death threats. Officials in his hometown of Hailey, Idaho are being harassed with profane and sometimes intimidating phone calls, such as one promising “consequences” if the town held a welcome home party.
We don't know all the details yet of what Bowe was thinking when he wandered off his base – or the state of his mental health. But he paid a price for that mistake: five years of hell. Republicans and their media stooges have been trying to gin up controversy about soldiers killed searching for Bowe, but as the NY Times reported by doing actual journalism, thereality was far more complicated. It is reprehensible that CNN has been presenting as fact highly charged claims that this article shows to be very dubious.

are we again witnessing comedy exposing truths that our news persons are charged with delivering to us?  i find myself in agreement with this admiringly some on my side are on that bandwagon too but this is more of a republican scandal they saw an opportunity to bash this admin and as usual jumped the gun and started blaming Pres. they had to demonize Bergdhal to make their point more volatile to Pres.  

i wondered about whether there was something other than you everyday run of the mill deserter, war harms and like my war Vietnnam average combatant age 19 we were kids forced into being something we could not imagine.

the republican all out attack has inspired the crazies they no longer keep in the attic to threaten his family and him with the biggest assist coming from you guessed it "FOX and CNN" they are the ones tearing the country apart. as the world watches in there eyes we are not as advertised and the blame is not the Pres.'s.