Thursday, June 12, 2014

Conservative advice to women: Get married or get beat up

Smiling bride
Imagining her widowhood, perhaps.
All you need to read to be tipped over into full headdesk is the headline and subhed:
One way to end violence against women? Married dads.
The data show that #yesallwomen would be safer with fewer boyfriends around their kids.
The Washington Post op-ed is by W. Bradford Wilcox, a sociologist who played a notable role in the conception of the infamous Mark Regnerus study claiming that gay parents messed up their kids, and Robin Fretwell Wilson, who signed a letter to Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer arguing that critics of the bill allowing businesses to discriminate out of religious belief had it all wrong. In the final paragraph of their piece, Wilcox and Wilson get around to acknowledging that married men occasionally abuse their wives and children, too. But mostly they're interested in telling women to GET MARRIED RIGHT NOW or face the consequences:

Women are also safer in married homes ... [M]arried women are the least likely to be victimized by an intimate partner. They are also less likely to be the victims of violent crime in general. Overall, another U.S. Department of Justice study found that never-married women are nearly four times more likely to be victims of violent crime, compared to married women. The bottom line is that married women are less likely to be raped, assaulted, or robbed than their unmarried peers.

the absurdity of the republican response is typical of a party who ignores women and their rights as far as marriage is concerned the previously common understanding of it 1 man 1 woman is not a good reference because they are not as secure or reliably constant as republicans are implying here.

as far as a womans physical safety look how long it took republicans to renew the violence against women act, look at how they minimize the severity of rape categorizing it and making jokes that are not funny but pathetically neanderthal.

woman of America how are you going to vote?