Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Uh Oh: Boehner's Latest Shutdown Proposal Is Unconstitutional


boehner tears

Tuesday morning, House Republican leaders released a new plan to end the government shutdown and prevent America from defaulting on its debts if the Senate and President Obama agree to several policy demands. One of these demands would take away Members of Congress’ ability to receive an employer contribution to help pay for their health insurance, a benefit they — like all federal employees — currently enjoy.
There’s just one problem with this proposal, it’s unconstitutional unless it’s delayed for more than a year.
The Twenty-Seventh Amendment to the Constitution provides that “[n]o law, varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives, shall take effect, until an election of Representatives shall have intervened.” 
A law eliminating federal contributions to congressmembers’ health benefits is a law “varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives.” So it cannot take effect until after the next federal election in November 2014.
so what exactly are they really doing picking ideas out of a hat, or their butts?  we know they don't believe in fact checkers or checking it themselves how much money has this cost s just to them so far?  kinda hard to believe all the kicking them around about no plan somebody in Heritage or somewhere might have whispered to Beohner, get to work on a plan, but they can't because they deny us everything a plan wold give that's why we here the voucher talk again roll 'em out dust them off and just like brand new except it's not.
were the trying to sneak that through or hold it as another leverage device and have to hold everything up because the have to redo, no oop's here folks if that was their plan it to would have shined like the sun on those as still trying to obstruct and after the Koch's told them to chill out on ObamaCares. no bonus bribe checks for them.