Tuesday, October 15, 2013

House Republicans Unsure Their Last-Ditch Plan Will Pass As Default Looms


they ignored the past 5 years of their history and already have started to repeat it.
Article PhotoWASHINGTON -- House Republicans made one last attempt to fund the government and lift the debt ceiling on their own terms Tuesday, but Democrats declared it was "doomed to failure," and it was unclear whether House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) even had the votes needed to pass it on his side.
House GOP members met Tuesday morning, beginning with a prayer and the singing of "Amazing Grace," and emerged two hours later with a plan resembling a deal emerging in the Senate, but with a few extra changes to President Barack Obama's signature health care law.
Even Boehner, in an uncharacteristic move, conceded the plan's fate was uncertain.
why do they after railing about spending still embark on these failed inquisitions and with hunts 42 times on halt care and they are still poking that did horse.  they can't be doing it for show because all it shows is they really are the party of stupidity.
"There are a lot of opinions about what direction to go. There have been no decisions about what exactly we will do," he said at a press conference. "We are going to continue to work with our members on both sides of the aisle to try and make sure there is no issue of default and to get our government reopened."
this too is a bunch of elephant dung, they can have Americans back to work tomorrow but like the pit bull dogs they are they won't let go of your lawful health care.  they started calling it Obamacare to label him and it with a scarlet letter forever, that too failed, they can only get him to undo it, they can forget 2014 and 16 there antics have long closed the door on those years.  you don't work with those across the ilse been continuing to screw them and America we give a gnat's crap about this they only want to shame Pres., problem is he has nothing to be ashamed about. DUH!!