Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Justices to Take Up Climate-Change Case Created by Gridlock

Divided-government gridlock spawned an important new consequ
ence today, when the Supreme Court agreed to decide an important question about controlling pollution and climate change. It comes at a time when there’s no chance Congress and the president will agree on any environmental legislation.
While almost all attention was focused on finding an interim solution to the twin crises at hand — the government shutdown in its third week and a potential debt default three days away — the justices announced they would consider whether the the Environmental Protection Agency is overstepping its legal authority by planning to regulate emissions from factories and power plants of greenhouse gases, the main suspected culprit in global warming.
The District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals ruled unanimously last year, at a time when Republican nominees dominated that bench, that the agency was acting within its authority. Today’s announcement to hear an appeal of that ruling means at least four justices are willing to consider the possibility that court got it wrong.
The court will hear oral arguments early next year and rule by the end of June 2014, four months before the midterm elections. A sweeping ruling that stops the EPA from stepping in so aggressively in the absence of legislation could propel environmental policy to an until-now unexpected position of prominence in campaigns for control of Congress next year.
they are really saying that "to pollute is not so bad, it won't kill all of us".  why does the SCOTUS have to determine if we do the republican thing and deregulate all sorts of short cutting and more pollution and contamination why is that even question?  this is right wing trying to get around our safety and save a buck by dumping toxins and polluting the air, that's a no brainer we chose to live as bad as it is because of these same people are the one's who are trying feverishly the purchase or gov't.
The Supreme Court ruled in 2007 that the EPA does have the power to regulate carbon dioxide emissions from new cars as a form of air pollution. What they agreed today to decide is whether that leeway should also extend to regulation of greenhouse gases from buildings.
The Obama administration says that’s a logical extension that justifies its efforts to reverse the deregulatory views of the Bush administration — especially in light of the collapse three years ago of congressional momentum for a cap-and-trade climate change statute. Nine different appeals of the move were filed and six were granted — from groups including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce,
energy producers and the state of Texas. They had asked the court to strike down all EPA regulations of greenhouse gases, but the justices said they wouldn’t go that far. The justices also said they would not review the EPA’s conclusion that carbon emissions are a threat to public health and the planet
the republicans want to eradicate the EPA that last paragraph tells you all yo need to know about the republican agenda, look hard you won't see us for the smoke and eyes blurred from drinking water and food contaminated or mutated. recognize