Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Seven Lying Democrats That Betrayed Democracy, and Joined GOP on HR 368 to Deny Vote on Clean CR

The video Maryland Democrat Chris Van Hollen’s recent “parliamentary inquiry” on the floor of the House of the Representatives is making the rounds, and will likely be seen by millions by the end of the week. I include this video at the bottom of the page.
The video puts to rest any argument that the GOP wants to end the shutdown and get government working again. Perhaps they are having too much fun waving confederate flags in front of the White House. The bill, H.R. 368, forbids anyone except “the Majority Leader or his designate” from bringing a clean continuing resolution to the floor for vote.
Now it doesn't surprise me in the least that Republicans would do this. It doesn’t outrage me that the use of backhanded, undemocratic measures are being employed by the party controlled by Tea Party loons.
What does infuriate me is the fact the seven Democrats crossed party lines to vote for a resolution that gives Eric Cantor, and only Eric Cantor the ability to bring fourth a vote a clear CR to get the government working aging…and yes, open the monuments.
there are persons that are contrary to who they say they are and this ones on both sides. with a obvious 180 from your party manifesto you should no longer be considered as part of that ideology specially it if flies in the face of your declaration of commitment.
rino's and dino's are not as condemning as they should be this is the act of traitors, we use to hang them now we elect them over and over regardless to their telling us they will not help the duly elected party and proceed to do so for the last 5 years and others maybe the bribe money enticed them to turn on their party or are they too in a red state and seek re-election but to what end they have proven their ineffectiveness for the party why should they be put back to vote against our interest?
And now several of the seven House Democrats that voted for HR 368, are Tweeting and saying that they want a clean CR and are supporting the discharge petition. But I’m not falling for it. These seven members willfully voted against democracy, and supported the GOP’s effort to create yet another manufactured crisis.
The seven back-stabbing, turncoat, worthless Democrats are:
Ron Barber    AZ-2
John Barrow   GA-12
Dan Maffei   NY-24
Sean Patrick Maloney   NY-18
Jim Matheson   UT-4
Mike McIntyre   NC-7   
Collin Peterson   MN-7   
the one time republicans can say both sides do it wonder why we haven't heard that, could it be because it was in their favor?
parties tend to keep these rat bastards because it is a warm seat for the party, but do we need those warm bodies when we don't know which way they'll vote?  we lose with th them just as good without them, we need to be more critical of who we elect, we've seen that playout on the right wing if you are reading this than you can find out about the candidate before we fall victim to shallow promises like republicans and the 2010 promise of jobs, well Mr. Speaker where are the republican JOBS?  recognize