Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Boehner Puts Obamacare Defunding in the CR (Updated)


Article PhotoUpdated 1:08 p.m. | House Republicans emerged from their weekly conference meeting Wednesday morning with a new strategy on the continuing resolution: defund Obamacare in the stopgap spending bill.
“Every member in this room is for defunding Obamacare while letting the rest of the government continue to operate,” Boehner told his conference in remarks this morning. “We’re going to put Obamacare defunding directly into the CR. And then we’re going to send it over to the Senate, so our conservative allies over there can continue the fight. That’s where the fight is.”
Boehner then told reporters at a news conference that the goal was not to shut down the government.
“There should be no conversation about shutting the government down. That’s not the goal here,” he said.
Asked whether he had lost control of his conference, the Ohio Republican replied, ”The key to any leadership job is to listen.”
he's admitting having to listen to the T-P or get fired what price glory Mr. Beohner, and since you presented the the story to the press are you with your short term everything kicking the proverbial can you keep trying to pin on Pres.
Americans really appreciate the bone but they need to work longer than that, and if you succeed they will blame you even further for the life raft then punching a hole in it just in time for Christmas how scrooge of you.
But Boehner seemed happy to be kicking the bill — and his own problems corralling his conference — to the Senate.
“The fight over here has been won,” he said, noting the more than 40 times the House has voted to defund, delay, repeal or replace Obamacare. “It’s time for the Senate to have that fight.”
Of course, the strategy really isn’t new. A number of Republicans and outside conservative groups have been clamoring for the plan for weeks. But leadership has maintained that such a strategy weakens the House’s negotiating position, moves the government closer to shutdown, and would not, ultimately, defund President Barack Obama’s signature legislative achievement.
Now leadership is going with the line that the strategy unites the GOP conference and puts Republicans in a better negotiating position — even if they privately doubt their own rhetoric.
Leadership’s plan essentially marries the CR they had already planned at the $986 billion bill level, keeping government open until Dec. 15.
have you heard anything resembling "this was for the American people"? thats because it's not they are throwing a bone and calling it fairness to the American people, everything they did they are still doing and coupled with yanking the rug out not even 2 weeks before Christmas.
it will be this same time next year when you think of buying gifts remember this year then vote.