Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Secret meeting between Ted Cruz and Suicide Caucus leaves GOP nervous


Article PhotoSources in Washington, D.C. are reporting that a group of House Republicans held a secret meeting with Sen. Ted Cruz late Monday night at Tortilla Coast, a favorite haunt of lawmakers. The group of 15-20 included: Louie Gohmert (R-TX), Steve King (R-IA), Jim Jordan (R- OH), Tom Cotton (R-AR), Raúl R. Labrador (R-ID) , Steve Southerland II (R-FL) , Mark Meadows (R-NC) and Justin Amash (R-MI). These are among the craziest most conservative members of the House. 
They, along with a few others, have become a collective pain in the backside for House leaders and this meeting seems to indicate that they will continue to do so.

The secret meeting was discovered by House leadership.

Though the group’s secret meeting was in the restaurant basement they were, nevertheless, spotted by leadership. Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), who was also dining there with a group of House members, spotted the group. Sources say that he was very interested in what was going on. I should hope so, as these guys could really throw a wrench into current negotiations.
There is a deal emerging that would reopen the government with current funding levels until January of next year and raise the debt ceiling until February. This probably is not going to be a popular idea among the Tea Party crowd in the House. For one thing, Louie Gohmert wants to try to hang the looming default around the President’s neck so he can use it as grounds for impeachment. Even though this deal would likely pass both chambers, it will certainly do so without the Tea Party folks. They would apparently like to see the U.S. default and watch as the country burns while free-falling.
doesn't tinkering with the gov't to the level of destruction amount to treason? the rats are being consumed by the more aggressive rats and if they don't partner with us all is lost for them and us, now is the time for sense and sensibility, moderate republicans don't want to be tied to the T-P any longer and the T-P is like "nobody quits us blood in blood out".
This secret meeting can only fuel the suicide pact between Cruz (and his sidekick, Mike Pence) and fanatical House Republicans. After the Senator’s little riot outside the White House on Sunday, the House Reps will undoubtedly be all fired up and as stubborn as ever.
Matt Fuller of Roll Call posited what Cruz and his allies in the Senate could do if this deal comes to fruition:
“… Cruz and his allies in the Senate could decide to attempt a filibuster of the deal, but doing so would likely push any Senate vote on final passage past the Thursday deadline to raise the debt ceiling. That would mean Cruz and his allies would bear the brunt of any political consequences that might come from a default, including a potential dramatic downturn in the stock market and/or the world economy. Conversely, allowing the deal to move through the Senate without a fight could cost Cruz his pugnacious conservative credentials.”
It looks as though Cruz is trying desperately to make sure this deal doesn’t see the House floor or, if it does, it goes down in flames. If it doesn’t then Cruz will face the Hobson’s choice outlined by Fuller. That would put Cruz front and center in even more people’s minds as the architect of this shutdown/debt ceiling fiasco. And that is somewhere Ted Cruz does not want to be… even if it is where he belongs.
there are not enough voters to carry the water for Cruz and the boyz, sure they can gum it up but when it comes time to vote not enough, we need to ramp up our rebuttal to the right wing rhetoric to come. it will be piles of elephant dung and some will succumb to the stench our job is to keep the rebuttal going whether they repeat it or not, we need to make sure our voices are hard last.