Sunday, October 20, 2013

Cruz Wants Conservatives To Hold GOPers 'Accountable' For Opposing Defunding Effort

Article PhotoIn remarks likely to deepen his rift with members of his own party, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said he wants conservatives to hold Senate Republicans "accountable" for opposing the ill-fated effort to defund the Affordable Care Act.
Echoing his sentiments from earlier this week, Cruz told National Review's Robert Costa in an interview published Saturday that the defunding campaign was derailed by a "significant number" of his GOP colleagues who "actively, aggressively, and vocally led the effort to defeat House Republicans."
“Once Senate Republicans did that, it crippled the chances of this effort, and it caused the lousy deal.” he told Costa.
Cruz didn't identify any specific senators and, as he said earlier this year, made it clear that he won't be involved in any GOP primaries. But he indicated he wants those lawmakers to pay a price at the ballot box.
has his delusion developed a power where he won't get involved with GOP candidates guess he means primary them he doesn't need to the T-P will take care of that.  but he wants them to pay if he is the defacto leader he just signaled for them  to do just that he has pissed the whole party off so this could well backfire on him.
During an interview last week on Fox News, McCain repeatedly told an anchor for the conservative network that the shutdown was the fault of Republicans like Cruz who chased a"fool's errand." And Cruz was reportedly berated by Republican senators for the strategy during a recent closed-door meeting.
But some conservative groups have already indicated that they plan to follow Cruz's advice. FreedomWorks chief Matt Kibbe said that Republicans who voted for the bill to re-open the government and raise the debt ceiling will draw primary challengers,
while the Senate Conservatives Fund — founded by Heritage Foundation president Jim DeMint, a fellow defunding leader — endorsed Matt Bevin, the tea party champion who's challenging Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY).
we can hope they continue this 3 way pissing match for who his head MF directly in charge of the destruction of the right wing political machine too many cooks fighting for power allow the pot to boil over.  my sentiments, more power to them.  they are so confsed that they fall into that category of those who belive in nothing will fall for anything, Cruz???