Sunday, July 21, 2013

Secret Court OKs Continued U.S. Phone Surveillance

Article PhotoWASHINGTON (AP) — A secret intelligence court has decided to continue an order that forces Verizon Communications to turn over hundreds of millions of telephone records to the government each day in its search for foreign terror or espionage suspects.
The longstanding Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court order must be renewed every three months. It had been set to expire Friday.
who feels the most like much ado about nothing ?  we jumped up and down about the phone and emails and wiretaps not in general but from the perspective of our own personal stuff it has been for years that they do this, nobody said nothing then it comes out that "you" might be on the list we get a rousing "awwww crap", they went to far now".
The surveillance program has been under intense scrutiny since June, when former CIA employee and National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden leaked details of two top secret U.S. surveillance programs that critics say violate privacy rights.
Snowden has been charged with espionage and is seeking asylum from several countries, including Russia.
some of us want the traitor caught and prosecuted, others want a bust in the congressional chamber, he seems to be in limbo with doors closing and the one's that are opening at this time bear no way to get there.  my point is we rant and rage for a week or two then we go through the "this too will pass" and after all these changes in mood the courts say the beat goes on and all of a sudden we realize we've gone 360 degrees and nobody is out there shouting about it, out of sight out of mind,  or was it not a big deal in the first place just hyped by opponents of this admin.?