Sunday, July 21, 2013

National Organization For Marriage Defends Ex-Gay Therapy As A Religious Liberty

Article PhotoIn his first gubernatorial debate against Democratic nominee Terry McAuliffe, Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinellii II (R) admitted Saturday that his extreme anti-LGBT views have not changed. While reaffirming his extreme earlier comments about what he termed “the personal challenge of homosexuality,” he suggested that he would create an economically positive environment that would help LGBT Virginians.
you will never be able to honestly address a subject if you deny it exist let alone fix it.  persnal challenges are N/A when applied to a group of peoples understanding of themselves,, to say that confuses not only them but those who might understand it's not a lifestyle it's a life. any talk contrary to that fact is born of bigotry.  acknowledge the evidence before you and stop dismissing your lying eyes and ears.
those who are interested in equality and as long as you hurt no one or violate law you are free to pursue your happiness, will never be able to expedite laws that do just that as long as the other half thinks only they and big business deserves to be happy and rich.
we showed them in 2008 2012 their money and influence is not all that, even if by some IMO misguided reason want to deny this admin think of what lies in store if you do anything except vote the right wing out, they gerrymandered many of your districts and your over a million votes to put the progressives in the house fell and after all the bluster you are on track for 4 more years of their obstruction this time we have the ability to break it down to another year and 4 months, but only if we act on it, do what you need to now to enable your rightful vote to be taken seriously by those who presume to impede.
remember he is trying to do right by you and country they are trying to stop him, also he said "YES WE CAN" not "YES I CAN".