Sunday, July 21, 2013

Study Shows That The Abortion Rate Falls Dramatically When Contraception Is Free Read more:

A study published last fall in the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology shows that providing free birth control to women and teenaged girls does, in fact, have a dramatic impact on the rate of unintended pregnancy, which, in turn, impacts the abortion rate. The study, which included more than 9,000 women and teenagers in the St. Louis area, and found that providing free birth control, including IUDs and hormonal implants, reduced the abortion rate by 62% to 78%.

wait a minute this study was done last year, and republicans had access to the study but they want to deny contraception w jokes and force abortion on women and their families on both sides of the isle for those who vote republican your butts are in the sling too.  this shows their agenda is clearly not the people or the babies they care about till it comes time for the poor to feed them then they don't care what happens they want to deny food and healthcare.

The implications of such results fly in the face of the idea that, to reduce the abortion rate, abortions must be heavily restricted or even outlawed, and that contraception should remain out of reach for many. The GOP has been working on ways to erode, and ultimately overturn, Roe v. Wade for some time, with things such as the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which would severely restrict women’s access to abortions after 20 weeks. Some have even argued that the case of Kermit Gosnell is proof that abortion doctors should be under very heavy certification requirements, with admitting privileges at local hospitals, and that abortions need to be further restricted to protect women.
Furthermore, there are all sorts of myths floating around about birth control that make the religious right want to restrict its access as well. Oklahoma tried passing a law making it so that no employer was required to adhere to the contraception mandate in the Affordable Care Act. That decision was based on the opinion of a cardiologist, Dr. Dominic Pedulla, who said that birth control suppresses a woman’s natural tendency toward motherhood. He said that, with contraception, women are being asked to “radically contradict” their own identity, and to poison their own bodies.
it is obvious that the concern is fabricated and has a time limit  from the time they take first pulse beat till birth then everybody is on their own.  they sight Gosnell and demonize all OB GYN as murderers, but we can't label all of them as liars and anti American  they all belong to the same bigoted hate club they all say the same lies in lockstep they walk and talk like each other, can't say that about the OB GYN's.  but they can't deny it about them.